and so i went there... to see what it was like, to learn more about what was going on, to grapple with my opinions on the matter. my experience included a vuvuzela, a man exposing handfuls of marijuana before me, and lots of "mic checks." the place reminded me of one of those roofless lego floor plans that i used to make. there was a library, a sleeping area, a painting place, a media center... and my favorite: a kitchen! in the back of the kitchen, there was a sign telling people with cameras that they are all bourgeois and lazy or something. so i went around to the front of the kitchen because i mean i like looking at food, you know. and you can tell a lot about a situation by observing what people eat during it. but in clutching my camera by my side and standing a few feet away to observe the buffet options, i felt a hurty poke in my side and heard, "i'm too hungry to wait behind some phoootooooo journalist." and then the boy pushed me aside and went up to the table to shovel handfuls of reese's peanut butter cups onto his paper plate. i got frowny. especially because half of the people there had a camera, and it's people with cameras that are helping to spread the word, no? i mean. ok. i wanted a picture of the food. which might seem dumb to people. but. i thought everyone was supposed to be nice down there? anyways, my expectations were that by experiencing this occupation and hearing what people there had to say, i would learn something that i couldn't on the twitters or the internet. but it turns out
my opinions are as amorphous as the movement is. and that's all i'll say for now...