molly yeh

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rainy day

rainy days at camp mean a few extra minutes of sleep, arts & crafts, and some quality time under my sushi blanket with a pen and my moleskine. lots of drawing pictures of all of the goodies that i will make when i finally have a kitchen again and even more writing letters to faraway friends... two days ago when it was really a rainy day, like raining mastiffs and lions, it was soup weathering so hard. to the point of scarves. and guess what? the cafeteria actually had the most amazing soup. there were vegetables and grains and yumminesses galore. it made me so excited for fall when soup weather visits, like, every other day. hehe. 

rainy days at camp have not yet meant shampooing in the rain though. which, as counselor molly, i might have to fix. {try it, really!!}
