molly yeh

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did: barcelona

1. sagrada família. not just another church. the price of admission tells you so.
2. what is best about barcelona: roxan! 
3. inside the sagrada família, which is what your geometry teacher wanted you to see. it is really very cool. one of the most cool churches.
4. hannah @ the parc güell
5. so much gaudí it is like cindy loo hoo world. 
6. a pet!
not pictured: la boqueria, a discotheque or two, the black onesies that maria and i purchased 

barcelona is a fantasyland. not just because it is on the water and roxan lives there and food comes out on itsy bitsy plates, but also because the buildings are as if they were pulled right out of that little village- yes, whoville, in how the grinch stole christmas the movie. there are wee little winding streets and buildings that look melty {those are the gaudí ones} and in the streets you may come across a coffee shop with good yogurt or one of those pedicure places with the skin-eating fish. additionally, i don't know that i've ever met nicer people... for in our rush to the airport, a taxi driver who did not take credit card got out of his taxi and waved down more taxis until he found one that did take card. and that was just one instance. yes, i could get used to this. and also, i had a lisp in elementary school, so the pronunciation of certain barcelona words need not be an issue. 

there were too many things to do, in the way of tourism, to accomplish in our short time there. which means one and only one thing: time to go back!


touristy things that i did that i would recommend. in the order of most recommended to least recommended:
parc güell: it is super neat-o, and free. there is a little museum on the grounds that has a small entrance fee which is cool, but not life-changing.
la boqueria: there are butchered parts of animals that i had never seen before and scared me some. but the part with the sausages was  tasty.
the street with all the gaudí: i don't know if it has an official name.
sagrada família: i had beef with how expensive it was to get in. but there is an exhibit to the side which shows you that gaudí's structures aren't just circles but melty- there was actually real thought and geometry that went into constructing them. 
picasso museum: really great. but i would have appreciated it more if i had done more research about his work before hand. and also if i wasn't famished for a ham sandwich.