molly yeh

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schnitzel month victory lap

veal happened.
{as in, schnitzel got a wiener}
the schnitzel truck doesn't normally serve veal,
but today the heavens opened up and my twitters updated and it said something to the effect of,
@schnitzeltruck: we have veal on 52nd and 6th. get here soon or else no veal for you. 
the next step was obvious.
and one fantastically long lunch break later {should i go to class or eat veal? well... do popes shit in the woods?}
veal was had. extra mustard. tater salad. and cucumbas.
and panna cotta. mmmmmmm.
and this is chloe. i kidnapped her from keyboard skillz class to go to the truck because she had never been. 
she told me that she could eat schnitzel every single day for the rest of her life. 
and i said so could i. 
maybe we will have a schnitzel eating contest.

