molly yeh

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schnitzel month day 2

you know those times when you just feel like you're a four year old boy?

that's how i feel when i ride the molly mobile to the schnitzel truck!
i ride {zoom zoom!} as fast as i can,
and my head bobs back and forth,
and i sing the schnitzel song!

{the schnitzel song is like the office's "fashion show at lunch,"
except replace "fashion show" with "schnitzel truck"}

today i was unusually hungry.
i think my stomach stretching schnitzburger preparations are working.
so i got:

a chicken schnitzel platter 
with ginger, scallion & garlic relish,
and taters two ways
{fries and salad}

everything was excellent
 {naturally, even though i missed the donut-like ciabatta}

the relish was very refreshing it made a schnitzel as refreshing as a schnitzel can be on a hot day like this.
the fries were just how i like them {stupidly salty. a fry can never be too salty}
and the tatersalad wasn't your typical suburban american barbecue mayonnaise festival. i mean i'm no expert in the kartoffelsalat, but this was more mashed potato-y and yummy!

i abandon kosher and move on to pork 
{and back to the sandwich}

