molly yeh

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volcanoes and ice cream trucks

dear icelandic volcano ,

thank you for delaying all air travel to and from europe,
causing gergiev and his chorus to land in new york
{via tel aviv and philly}
about way too many days late,
causing the new york phil to reschedule their rehearsals,
causing my teacher to need to cut studio class an hour short
{in order to make rescheduled rehearsals}
giving me a whole extra hour of my day,
with nothing else to do
other than visit 

the ice cream truck.

with jeremy:

and sammy:

and davey:

my ice cream cone had 
r ainbow jimmies.
and it was delicious.
and it made me feel all summer-y.

my only request,  
mr. volcano ,
is that, 
since you somehow have a way of affecting peoples' lives in the most random and oddest ways possible,
{i.e. more friends that could come to my mustache party because their concert was cancelled because bang on a can was stuck in europe...}

can you somehow begin a string of events that will result in ice cream trucks around the country selling
  pistachio soft serve?

that's all, mr. v

i love you.

