molly yeh

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pizza with a fork and knife {is still pizza}

ok i love new york pizza.
i could eat it every day and not get sick of it.

and i love that
 grease running down your arm,
scarf it down before you realize how many calories it is,
koronet is the motherland

 i must admit something.
{manhattan, plz don't h8}
i prefer chicago pizza.
as in,
i'd rather deprive myself for a month,
wait an hour for a table,
wait another hour for a pizza,
almost chop my finger off cutting the crust,
and then repeat.

why's does it always have to come in second place? 

my favorite french man adrien even flew across the pond just for a slice...

{adrien, don't look so scared}

a trip home is just not complete without some obnoxiously thick pizza.
{oh yeah, did i mention i'm home??}



photo shoot/pig out sesh on location at uno pizzeria in chicago
{p.s. "uno chicago grill" b.s. that makes appearances in boston, new york, etc, ain't got nothin on the original.}