where the wild things are date search: candidate jeremy
jeremy is my studio-mate at school.
he has a swell sense of style.
mynameisyeh: what is the largest material object that you would give to see this movie right now?
jeremy: ummmm. i don't know. i'm sorry. i'm not funny.
m: what is the largest non-material object that you would give to see this movie right now? (examples: a hug, a pat on the back, etc).
j: i'd clean someone's bathroom.
m: what would you wear to the show?
j: definitely the crown. maybe this shirt. maybe white jeans. and shoes... sperries or moccasins or boots.
m: why should you be my date this show?
j: i'm excited. i read the book when i was a young tyke. and i like molly yeh.
white jeans? after labor day?
more interviews to come...