molly yeh

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where the wild things are date search: candidate tim

tim is an actor currently playing hamlet in an off off off broadway show.
this is not a picture of him.

mynameisyeh: what is the largest material object that you would give to see this movie right now?
tim: eleven dollars.
m: what is the largest non-material object that you would give to see this movie right now? (examples: a hug, a pat on the back, etc).
t: i'd shine someone's shoes.
m: what would you wear to the show?
t: nice jeans, shoes, a button down shirt... or a t shirt.
m: why should you be my date this show?
t: i'm a good conversationalist, i'm an interesting person, and i'll buy the cherry coke. (he laughs at his own joke).

a good conversationalist? for a movie? not a hot commodity...

