my friend doug!
last evening i caught up with one of my very good friends
(and also a new addition to the new world symphony trombone section),
we dined at a restaurant that does this thing that's semi common in miami called
beat the clock
where the price of your meal is the time that you ordered it (we ordered at 5:40 = $5.40 for a ton of carbonara!)
and then there was
my concoction was an equivalent to my choice cocktail, the amaretto sour: lemon sorbet + amaretto gelato = tasties without the woozies.
over the course of our gelato, we realized that next month marks our seven year anniversary as friends!
seven years ago...
we were just little nubbins, sitting in the back of youth orchestra together...
pictures at an exhibition
(a teensy ethan bensdorf nailing the trumpet solo, and everyone's favorite dr dennis conducting...), talking shop during all of our breaks, singing brahms in the parking lot of the steak n shake late at night after cso concerts...
i think this picture is from 2006... when we had already known each other for four years!
and now...
we're munching on gelato in miami, playing in new world together...
who woulda thunk?
and who knows what another seven years will bring...
boston symphony?
NY phil?
the community youth wind ensemble volunteer project of boise, idaho?!
here's to seven years, dougie!!!