molly yeh

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leftovers were the reason for these little pies this morning. i had leftover marzipan from my cakes last week and some about to go bad peaches leftover from my two day obsession with grilled peaches. i've seen some cute hand pies floating around pinterest lately and i haven't made a pie since pi day... so i took a swing at these and i'm quite happy with how they turned out. they're not eggboy friendly and i couldn't possibly allow myself to eat alllllll of them, so i think i will bring some to eggsister today when i go to fargo for the alley fair!

peach + marzipan hand pies  

makes 12


a batch of martha stewart's pie dough  (note: only use 1 1/2 tsp salt)

for the filling:

2 c chopped peaches (1/4 inch pieces)

1 c chopped marzipan (1/4 inch pieces)

juice from 1/2 lemon

a pinch of salt

1/2 tsp almond extract

1 tsp vanilla extract

eggwash: 1 egg beaten with 1 tb water

for the glaze: 

1 c powdered sugar

4 tsp milk

1/2 tsp almond extract

garnish: orange and green marzipan shaped into little peaches


preheat oven to 375. prepare two baking sheets and set aside.

mix together the filling ingredients and set aside. 

on a floured surface, roll out half of the pie dough (leaving the other half in the fridge) and cut out 12 4-inch circles. place 6 on a baking sheet and poke a few holes in the center with a fork. brush the edges with egg wash and spoon 2 tb filling into the centers. place remaining circles on top and seal the edges with a fork. poke a few holes in the top with a fork and brush with egg wash. repeat this with the other half of the dough. 

bake for 25-30 minutes, until the edges brown. 

prepare the glaze by stirring together the powdered sugar and milk and then adding the almond extract. once the pies are cool, spread on the glaze and apply your marzipan peaches.

enjoy at an early fall picnic with a sweater and funny friends. 
