molly yeh

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you wouldn't know it if you were to open our closets or smell our vintage couch or see our "artistically" arranged folding chairs, but egg and i have been workin hard! and not just because we haven't had internet long enough to get back into game of thrones.  unpacking with barely any shelves to arrange things in cute ways is mentally quite taxing, and baking and whisking nearly puts cymbal practice to shame. egg has been farming and farming, and when he's not farming, he's building us rustic-y furniture.

so we decided we'd take a little break. not the kind of break where i decide to hang out with my new friend the garbage disposal (omg this thing is so cool!), but the kind of break where we pack a picnic and drive to a peninsula in a lake in minnesota.

it was so very dandy. 

we ate israeli salad and hummus topped with roasted chickpeas, berries and beans from the farmers' market (which happens steps from our front door) , and fried brown rice with chickens. afterward we went in a canoe, and then for a run. we spotted a few cute pickups along the way. it was a very fantastic day.

in other news, it's about a quarter to two in the afternoon and i'm thinking i should soon go on my foam roller and then to bed. your girl is needed at the bakery at one in the a.m.!
