molly yeh

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my computer, my ipad, and my big camera stayed. we brought our toothbrushes and a few colorful changes of clothes, the lightest i've ever packed. save for a taco here and an in-n-out there and a few bites of pistachio gelato over yonder, it was all fresh healthy food, all the time. our days began with runs along the beach and hikes in the canyon and one absurdly difficult pilates class. we heard tales from my grandparents and were inspired by our amazing friends. we went to concerts of beethoven and strauss and wagner, and at one of our lower moments we tried a juice cleanse (#neveragain, but now we can say we've tried). we took a little day trip to the quaint mountain town of julian and came back bearing delicious apple pie. we saw cousins, aunties, sisters, and twice-removed second something somethings. we even spotted a famous person! (i don't know his name, egg says he's in parks and rec.)

i got a little blue as references to school starting kept popping up because that means summer is nearly over! but this trip was such a great way to end the season and get revved up for harvest and my new hours at the bakery. i am excited to be back in north dakota and to be able to be in the same place for more than a few weeks. i'm also excited that we returned home last night to a brand new king sized bed. they say everything is bigger in texas, but i'm pretty sure north dakota is a close second. 
