molly yeh

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the longer i'm home from israel the more it feels like it was a dream. 

the absurdly clear blue skies,  

the long, tartare-filled dinner on the small patio in the art museum, 

the piles and piles of challah at the shuk...

the western wall. *

*and quickly learning that you're supposed to back away from it without turning your back to it.  

jerusalem is a very pretty city. a slippery city: i almost ate shit at least three times. but a beautiful one. it was there where we had such a wildly omg amazing shabbat meal at a home right near the prime minister's house, right after an evening of singing and dancing near the wall. on the streets and near our hotel, i ran into rob! not once, but thrice! sonia and i bought custom jewelry in the old city with "this, too, is for the best" engraved in the silver. 

we talked politics, we chewed on licorice branches, i had my first boreka, and we took lots and lots of pictures.  jerusalem was definitely. definitely. a highlight of the trip.
