molly yeh

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we love it here. like, a lot a lot. we love the people, the pace, the one pan-asian restaurant in town, and the close proximity to our families. we love the opportunities and we love the low price of marzipan. we love that it's ok to for real wear plaid and we love that eggboy's family has been here for billions of years. this place is the tops. 

so in august... we're moving here. toothbrush and everything.


and we're excited as can be. (well, i'm excited as can be. eggboy's excitement right now is masked by his excitement for the new britney spears single, but i'm pretty sure he's really really excited.)

brooklyn did us so well. it brought us together and it introduced us to the best kale ever, the best muffins ever, and some really absurdly wonderful musicians. we'll be back there from time to time to continue with some little projects and fulfill our bagel needs, but for now, this place feels so right.

it feels like the time i went through my closet and got rid of all of my clothes with sequins on them because, even though they were cute and still fit, they were just no longer me. this farm is so me. new york and all of its crazy busyness is not very me anymore. 

when i got here a few weeks ago, i saw it all: that this place could benefit from more pork buns, more post-minimalism, a real life eggboy... and that i could benefit from more lefse, hotdish, and the very occasional oof-da taco. i started thinking of names for my chickens, i even discovered an adorable local magazine and am now working on an article for it. 

i'd love to open a bakery here and maybe shoot some cooking videos or throw dumpling parties and play marimbas in the fields... i want a cute vintage pick-up truck so i can drive around and meet everyone here. and i'm really excited to pioneer dinner bell vibrato. you guys, i could barf in excitement. 
