molly yeh

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this week was bat-shit cray. i got to see eggboy for a combined total of mayyybe two hours because of harvest, and i almost destroyed my esophagus with lye. i showered but once, and at work i dropped a freshly decorated cake.


there were so many awesome parts about this week that are much more interesting than a kvetch fest. so here are the ones that i can remember:

1. i got to watch my dad play verdi's requiem on the chicago symphony live stream. i miss that orchestra so much. growing up in chicago, i totally took them for granted. and when i lived in new york, i loved seeing them on tour and eating at the burger joint after their concerts. but you know what is also great? watchin them from my bathtub. 

2. there were so many delicious recipes on the internet this week! there are just too many to name them all, but here are a few that i need to try soon: southern graham crackers with sorghum from nothing but delicious, fall cornbread panzanella salad with maple-mustard vinaigrette from naturally ella, and raw chocolate pistachio gelato from oh, ladycakes.

3. sugar cookie sleigh ride herbal tea. my little sis brewed me a cup of this last year around the holidays and i've been looking for it ever since. i finally found some at target because they started getting their holiday stuff in. yayyy!! 

4. eggboy surprised me for lunch today with pad thai. our town's pad thai place is literally the best ever. i ate it so fast i was convinced i'd puke.

4a. i didn't puke.  

5. my girl brooke from fargo came to town and we met with mia about the wolftree cookbook that we are editing(pssst: there is still time to submit your recipe!) it was so lovely to hang out with them. all of my new homies here are so awesome.

6. i had some fun articles published: 

-this one on jew and the carrot about eating my favorite lentil soup on a tractor 

-my first post on food52. it features the pretzel challah recipe that i posted a while back, but it has a different intro, which i wrote in my head, entirely in the shower. 

7. i wrote an article for modern farmer which i am so excited about. it's about sugar beets, so if you're wondering what the big deal is with the thing that eggboy is holding in the above photo, sit tight for this article to come out!

8. this week had a great playlist. a mix of lorde, john adams, sufjan stevens, mahler, and vampire weekend. you can hear it here.

another awesome thing is that eggboy will be home for dinner tonight, so i am off to bed right now so that i can be up to make him dinner before i go to work! 

happy weekend!
